News Selfies: A year in the making

Today I celebrate one year of being a reporter.

I started a project that first day last year, taking a selfie on set. It may not be as cool as those parents who take a picture of their kid every day for fifteen years… but still, 200+ pictures later, similar concept?

So enjoy the video – from the different hairstyles, outfits, and makeup… there sure is a lot of change!

Being a reporter is fascinating. There’s a new problem, question, topic to tackle every day.

There have been ups and downs. Slow days and I-don’t-know-if-I’m-going-to-get-this-done-in-time-but-I-have-to days. Working on one story and then dropping it to race off in another direction.

I enjoy the people I work with. That’s made all the difference. When you pack up your life and move somewhere new, people are important. You don’t have many to begin with, so it’s great when the ones you’re around at work are fun to be with. We’ve annoyed each other, frustrated each other, and grown closer together.

It’s fun to look back and see how far I’ve come, what I’ve learned. It’s evident in how much time it takes to whip something together for a newscast. It’s evident in my interviews and the questions I ask. It’s fun to watch brand new reporters going through all the same struggles and being able to help them along their journey.

So here’s to more crazy stories, late nights, technical difficulties, and becoming better at what we do.

Just remember, if you ever have an awesome story you need told, call me up!

You’ve got the story all made up inside your head
You write me out of it and use your words instead
You hold me just out of reach, but you keep me pounding the beat
To take all the soul you can get

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